
Dating Online,3 important tips for an impressive profile

If I can humbly impart any useful advice to the wonderful women and men on this site that will enhance their success rate of actually receiving positive contacts it would be this - in spite of the catch phrase "keep it simple stupid", what works here (since your words are your representative manifesto) is to be detailed (without being redundant), complete (without being overly wordy), funny (without being childish), and emotionally revealing (without being too sappy). Nothing peaks someone's interest (and shows the kind of intention you bring) like a well-thought out and written description of yourself.
Check your spelling! It is quite annoying to those who have spent years achieving advanced education to confront often simple errors - it shows lack of seriousness, for it should mean enough to you to at least spell check and proof read your own work (see what I mean?!).
Finally, neither include photos that require magnifying glasses nor only ones where you are completely hidden behind sunglasses, hats, or other folks. This is show business - not hide business! Flaunt your stuff . . .proudly. The ones who are really interested will definitely contact you - and aren't those the people you'd rather connect with anyway?
I wish all of us buona fortuna in finding new friends, lovers, and hopefully perfect mates!

