I often read blog posts, here at Forbes and on other platforms, that spark
further thought. I just read one at Inc.com,
by Jeff Haden, about the types of people you should remove from your inner
circle if you’re a business owner.
It got me reflecting on the folks I’ve removed from my life over the
years (not removed in the Mafioso sense – I mean ‘stopped interacting with’), or
those I’ve encouraged others to remove. It might sound callous or draconian, but
I’m convinced that life is too short to have people around you on a daily basis
who make it more difficult to succeed or to be happy.
Now of course, we all have days when even the folks we’re fondest of
– friends, colleagues, family – make us want to tear our hair out. That’s not
what I ‘m talking about (that’s life on the planet). I’m talking about those
folks who consistently make your life harder or less
So, here’s my observation of the three types of people to invite out
of your life:
vampires. Some people just wear you out; you feel more
tired and stressed, less vital after interacting with them. These folks seem to
believe that the main job of their friends and colleagues is to help them feel
better. I once had a friend who required hours and hours of “processing” – his
pain, difficulty, emotional upheaval, the unfairness of his past life:
everything needed to be gone over ad infinitim. Sadly, no matter how deeply you
listen, no matter how much counsel you offer, no matter how much you put your
own needs on the back burner to support these folks, it will not be enough.
Think about the friends and colleagues who consistently take more from you than
they give back, and ask yourself why you’re still offering yourself to be sucked
I Me Mine: My brother used to be married to
someone who expected much more from others, on a daily basis, than she was
willing to give. For instance, she had no problem asking someone to babysit for
her child, or watch her house, or run an errand for her…but when it came time to
reciprocate, somehow it just never seemed possible. When she came to visit,
everything had to be oriented to accommodate her: the foods she required, the
quietest room with the proper light, the cats farmed out to friends because of
her allergies. No such accommodations were possible when others visited her. “I
Me Mine” people are the center of their own universe, and if they’re in your
life, you are always going to have to work around their needs and preferences.
Collaboration, reciprocity and give and take are not part of their vocabulary.
Do what you can to minimize your interactions with these folks (although they
may let you know in no uncertain terms that you’re being unreasonable or unfair
not to be available to fulfill their every whim).
Liars. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me
twice, shame on me. Fool me three times – why are you still on the list of
people whose calls I return? If someone is consistently unreliable, or tells you
things that aren’t true, or says one thing to you and another thing to someone
else in order to protect themselves….cut them loose. Liars are the worst. Energy
Vampires and I Me Mines are a pain and make your life more difficult – but Liars
can create honest-to-goodness legal and moral problems.
The great thing to realize is that you actually have the power to do
this. You don’t need have to these people in your life. You can kindly
but firmly minimize your interactions with them. And that frees you up to invite
wonderful people into your life.