By Elite Connections dating expert and CEO Sherri Murphy
mother always said it’s just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man.
But in many women’s eyes it’s easier. If you are looking for ways to
meet the millionaire of your dreams. I've been a millionaire matchmaker
for 18 years, found a fabulous husband for myself and many of my
#1 Get an education. The affluent value a good education and if you want to make a man fall in love with you, be able to talk about current events and the arts. It's not all about looks. Haven't you ever seen a woman with a great guy and thought, how in the world did she get him? Now you know!
#2 While you're in school take some classes on business. Pay attention and learn how to run a company. The successful are very interested in money obviously, that's why they have it. If you can discuss business and finances, you can peak his interest. It's never to late to go back to school!
#3 Take an interest in politics because that’s where the money is. Volunteer to help with the next future president or senator. Volunteer to help at a fundraiser. It's fun to work at the silent auction table or check people in. Besides being nice and donating your time you might even meet a fabulous successful single man on this venture.
#4 Be prepared! You never know if today is the day you’ll walk out and meet Prince Charming. Go to a good salon for a great hair cut and color. Get regular facials, and always have a great manicure and pedicure. Work out daily and if you need to lose weight do it. Stay slim to attract his attention. Look your best everyday!
#5 Dress to impress. Shop wisely and don’t dress sleazy. There's a way to dress sexy but classy and that’s want you want to achieve. Hire a wardrobe consultant if you have to. But get rid of any trashy clothes. Millionaires are not usually going to marry a woman that looks like a club dancer!
#6 You’ve got to
go and be where the single millionaire men are. Go to lunch, dinner
and fundraisers at places that have the types of men you want to meet.
If you live in a crappy area, find a roommate and move to the good side
of town.
#7 Last but not least, sign up with a reputable matchmaking agency.
And if you do take this step listen to what your matchmaker tells you
to do. Meet the men she picks out for you. And if you meet a successful
man that likes you, give him a chance. Unless you’ve dated many single
millionaire men he might seem odd to you. He could be more confident,
busy at work and might not call you as much as you're used to. Get to
know him, make a friend and show him what a great girl you are. And
above all else do not sleep with him before you get to know him very
well! If you do join our service, at Elite Connections
dating is much easier. So take your matchmakers advice and you'll date
successful single men and one that you will fall in love with.
If you are looking for the original Elite matchmaking agency - you have to check out this website,DATING wealthy singles,the best and large club for seeking a millionaire.