
3 tips to win a positive first impression

Professional workers and businessmen/women usually have a busy time schedule. Sometimes they may not have time to read through so many details, but your decent, charming and bright photos can significantly grasp a positive first impression which is really better than saying thousands of words.
The following 3 simple tips for your profile pictures can intensively catch millions of attention:
1. Highly recommanded to take some gorgeous yet natural photos from professional photographers as your profile pictures as well besides the daily life photos. Professional photographers know how to take beautiful photos since they have good cameras, experience, knowledge and venues. It will definately look better and more respectful than those taken from bathroom mirrors.
2. It is suggested to be natural rather than wearing too much make up and over trendy fashion in photos because generally potential prince charming will feel more comfortable with natural appearance.
3. A confident, sincere smile with lovely eye contact can draw a great attention. It will also make others feel more approachable, friendly and warm.


3 kinds of false friends you must fire from your life

I often read blog posts, here at Forbes and on other platforms, that spark further thought. I just read one at Inc.com, by Jeff Haden, about the types of people you should remove from your inner circle if you’re a business owner.

It got me reflecting on the folks I’ve removed from my life over the years (not removed in the Mafioso sense – I mean ‘stopped interacting with’), or those I’ve encouraged others to remove. It might sound callous or draconian, but I’m convinced that life is too short to have people around you on a daily basis who make it more difficult to succeed or to be happy.

Now of course, we all have days when even the folks we’re fondest of – friends, colleagues, family – make us want to tear our hair out. That’s not what I ‘m talking about (that’s life on the planet). I’m talking about those folks who consistently make your life harder or less pleasant.

So, here’s my observation of the three types of people to invite out of your life:


. Some people just wear you out; you feel more tired and stressed, less vital after interacting with them. These folks seem to believe that the main job of their friends and colleagues is to help them feel better. I once had a friend who required hours and hours of “processing” – his pain, difficulty, emotional upheaval, the unfairness of his past life: everything needed to be gone over ad infinitim. Sadly, no matter how deeply you listen, no matter how much counsel you offer, no matter how much you put your own needs on the back burner to support these folks, it will not be enough. Think about the friends and colleagues who consistently take more from you than they give back, and ask yourself why you’re still offering yourself to be sucked dry.

I Me Mine: My brother used to be married to someone who expected much more from others, on a daily basis, than she was willing to give. For instance, she had no problem asking someone to babysit for her child, or watch her house, or run an errand for her…but when it came time to reciprocate, somehow it just never seemed possible. When she came to visit, everything had to be oriented to accommodate her: the foods she required, the quietest room with the proper light, the cats farmed out to friends because of her allergies. No such accommodations were possible when others visited her. “I Me Mine” people are the center of their own universe, and if they’re in your life, you are always going to have to work around their needs and preferences. Collaboration, reciprocity and give and take are not part of their vocabulary. Do what you can to minimize your interactions with these folks (although they may let you know in no uncertain terms that you’re being unreasonable or unfair not to be available to fulfill their every whim).

Liars. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times – why are you still on the list of people whose calls I return? If someone is consistently unreliable, or tells you things that aren’t true, or says one thing to you and another thing to someone else in order to protect themselves….cut them loose. Liars are the worst. Energy Vampires and I Me Mines are a pain and make your life more difficult – but Liars can create honest-to-goodness legal and moral problems.

The great thing to realize is that you actually have the power to do this. You don’t need have to these people in your life. You can kindly but firmly minimize your interactions with them. And that frees you up to invite wonderful people into your life.


How To Marry A Millionaire

By Elite Connections dating expert and CEO Sherri Murphy
My mother always said it’s just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man. But in many women’s eyes it’s easier. If you are looking for ways to meet the millionaire of your dreams. I've been a millionaire matchmaker for 18 years, found a fabulous husband for myself and many of my clients. 

#1 Get an education. The affluent value a good education and if you want to make a man fall in love with you, be able to talk about current events and the arts. It's not all about looks. Haven't you ever seen a woman with a great guy and thought, how in the world did she get him? Now you know!

#2 While you're in school take some classes on business. Pay attention and learn how to run a company. The successful are very interested in money obviously, that's why they have it. If you can discuss business and finances, you can peak his interest. It's never to late to go back to school!

#3 Take an interest in politics because that’s where the money is. Volunteer to help with the next future president or senator. Volunteer to help at a fundraiser. It's fun to work at the silent auction table or check people in. Besides being nice and donating your time you might even meet a fabulous successful single man on this venture.

#4 Be prepared!  You never know if today is the day you’ll walk out and meet Prince Charming. Go to a good salon for a great hair cut and color. Get regular facials, and always have a great manicure and pedicure. Work out daily and if you need to lose weight do it. Stay slim to attract his attention. Look your best everyday!

#5 Dress to impress. Shop wisely and don’t dress sleazy. There's a way to dress sexy but classy and that’s want you want to achieve. Hire a wardrobe consultant if you have to. But get rid of any trashy clothes. Millionaires are not usually going to marry a woman that looks like a club dancer!
#6 You’ve got to go and be where the single millionaire men are. Go to lunch, dinner and fundraisers at places that have the types of men you want to meet. If you live in a crappy area, find a roommate and move to the good side of town.
#7 Last but not least, sign up with a reputable matchmaking agency. And if you do take this step listen to what your matchmaker tells you to do. Meet the men she picks out for you. And if you meet a successful man that likes you, give him a chance. Unless you’ve dated many single millionaire men he might seem odd to you. He could be more confident, busy at work and might not call you as much as you're used to. Get to know him, make a friend and show him what a great girl you are. And above all else do not sleep with him before you get to know him very well!  If you do join our service, at Elite Connections dating is much easier. So take your matchmakers advice and you'll date successful single men and one that you will fall in love with.

If you are looking for the original Elite matchmaking agency - you have to check out this website,DATING wealthy singles,the best and large club for seeking a millionaire.

7 Winning Profile Tips for getting more attention

Here are 7 quick tips for getting more attention from your online dating profile. Your mailbox will fill up faster and your chances of finding a connection will jump sky-high.
  1. Write a unique and friendly introductory line: "Looking for hiking partner" or "Seeking a shipmate for sailing and more"
  2. Post at least two current photos: Photos significantly increase responses! Try at least one close-up and one full-body shot for the best results.
  3. Use a positive tone: "I love to learn and meet new people." "Life is an adventure and I would like to share it with someone special."
  4. Keep it simple: Keep your descriptions light and avoid demanding checklists. Try listing only three things you desire in a mate.
  5. Write a short essay, not a book: Four or five sentences is a good goal. Save the details for your dates.
  6. Include a fun hobby note: "I need someone to distract me from the piano." "I love to travel and tend to take too many photographs."
  7. Add your marketing pitch: What makes you unique? Try listing only three things and make them catchy (everyone is smart, outgoing and fun -- how are you different?).


Dating Online,3 important tips for an impressive profile

If I can humbly impart any useful advice to the wonderful women and men on this site that will enhance their success rate of actually receiving positive contacts it would be this - in spite of the catch phrase "keep it simple stupid", what works here (since your words are your representative manifesto) is to be detailed (without being redundant), complete (without being overly wordy), funny (without being childish), and emotionally revealing (without being too sappy). Nothing peaks someone's interest (and shows the kind of intention you bring) like a well-thought out and written description of yourself.
Check your spelling! It is quite annoying to those who have spent years achieving advanced education to confront often simple errors - it shows lack of seriousness, for it should mean enough to you to at least spell check and proof read your own work (see what I mean?!).
Finally, neither include photos that require magnifying glasses nor only ones where you are completely hidden behind sunglasses, hats, or other folks. This is show business - not hide business! Flaunt your stuff . . .proudly. The ones who are really interested will definitely contact you - and aren't those the people you'd rather connect with anyway?
I wish all of us buona fortuna in finding new friends, lovers, and hopefully perfect mates!


Tips For Date A Single Mom

A friend of mine is a single mother to an adorable 3 year old boy. She had been dating a guy – let’s call him Jim – for about a month and he hadn’t met her son yet. To prove that he was completely cool with her having a kid, Jim shows up one Saturday afternoon, completely unannounced, with a huge teddy bear for the confused toddler. This adorable little boy looked up at his mother and said, “Mommy… Who is this?” To which my friend responded, “Baby, this is Mommy’s friend Jim. And he was just leaving.”
Now I’m sure that he is a really nice guy. He just doesn’t understand the ins and outs of dating a woman with a child. So to all of the Jim’s out there, here is some advice:
1) You do not decide when it’s time to meet the kids. Single mothers protect their children from guys they just started dating and you should respect that. If your relationship fizzles out a month from now, no mother wants their child saying, “Mommy, where’s your friend Jim? I miss him.” A mom won’t introduce you to her child until she’s certain it will last a while.
2) Respect the rules. All moms have rules, for their children and their boyfriends. Even after a man has met your child, there are lots of rules. My number one rule as a single mother: No sleeping over! Even when my daughter was too young to realize what was going on, no sleeping over. A man who whines about these rules will be shown the door, permanently.
3) Don’t bring a gift every time you come over. This may seem like an odd request, but how many teddy bears do you think a child needs? And you are not Santa! My child should not associate your arrival with presents.
4) Understand, you are not the most important part of your girlfriend’s life. She has prior commitments. No matter how great the relationship is going, you can’t monopolize all of your momma’s time. She has things to take care of. (By things, I mean the beautiful child that she loves more than you. Yes… she loves her baby more than you! Deal with it!)
5) Kill the P.D.A. You might think it’s sweet and flirtatious. Moms think it’s completely inappropriate, especially if their children might see you. A hug good bye is fine. Any more than that, she might slap your hands like you’re a toddler. And you’ll deserve it.
6) Grow up, just a little. We realize you’re still single and having fun. That’s great! But most ladies don’t want a phone call at 3:00am when you’re leaving the bar. The kids went to bed seven hours ago and she’s been asleep since 11pm. Glad you’re having a great night. Tell her about it tomorrow.
7) Respect the Ex. In a perfect break-up, no one ever sees their ex again. When you have children, you see your ex once or twice a week. No matter how much a new boyfriend hates the baby’s daddy, Shut up Jim! This is the father of her child. If you want to have a future with her, you’re going to have to learn to deal with him.
8 ) Have fun! You’re in a great place. You get to be the silly, fun and entertaining one. You don’t have to discipline or change any diapers or argue over nap time. Enjoy it! Because kids are wildly entertaining and will play any game you can make up. A couple hours of hide and seek, and they’ll love you more than a million teddy bears.
Busy single mom, but ready to get back into the dating world? Visit our single dating website Save time, discover some great date ideas and meet new people.


Dating tips for singles meet lovers on website

Today,so many single men and women meet their dream partner with the help of an online dating website. Internet dating will be more popular among people later. One might wonder what the essentials things are for courting success in an online dating. Are you planning to sign up with an online dating website? Well, for people who want to join in an online dating website for the first time, it can be quite confusing how to get start. People generally single girls or single boys who want to have a dating on website should know that how to show themselves . For that you have to make a good personal ad. Remember your personal ad is the one which attracts the maximum number of people to you.

Everyone who wants to date online has to create an online profile and post it to the website. Make sure that can attract the maximum number of people. So there will be a lightspotNice picture or advantages of you.The more you make it attractive the more people you are going to pull to your personal ad. Thus, it becomes too important and easy to meet friends by manking attractive, to make it very impressive to attract the maximum number of people to your profile. 
You can even read some tips given by the websites to make you profile beautiful. When you refer a lot of other personal ads you get the idea of writing your own profile nicely. What about making it bit humorous? After all, who doesn’t like humor? Brush up your writing skills and use it in your personal ad. Make honest and accurate profile for your online dating website. It would be nice if you make it thoughtfully and creatively. Do some research in internet to know how other people make their personal ads.By this way you make your profile look more friendly and desirable.

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the best dating platform for singles meet affluent, successful and beautiful,anyone you expect.
Do not make your personal ad look desperate. Some people tend to describe about their past failure in any local dating relationship and recent break up. Do not mention such things as that has not much to do with your current date. You need start your life afresh so forget your past failed relationship.
Make sure that you have given honest description about your likings and disliking. When you point out such things clearly, the person you read your profile get the true picture of yours. A person who finds it matching with their character will certainly contact you. Also tell about your expectations from your future partner. Tell about the things you hate in a prospective date. This can help you in keeping away unwanted people.
Don’t give up if you do not get more responses. If people do not contact you after you have posted your personal add, there must be something unattractive about your personal ad. You can write it again and re-upload it. Do some changes and make it fresh and try new approach. Do not worry about less response. You can try again and again. You do not need to feel embarrassed about it.


9 suggestions for good mood every day

Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success, but it's almost impossible to make others happy if you're not happy yourself. With that in mind, here are nine small changes that you can make to your daily routine that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:
1. Start each day with expectation.
 If there's any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to (or down to) your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: "something wonderful is going to happen today." Guess what? You're probably right.
2. Take time to plan and prioritize.
The most common source of stress is the perception that you've got too much work to do. Rather than obsess about it, pick one thing that, if you get it done today, will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.
3. Give a gift to everyone you meet
I'm not talking about a formal, wrapped-up present. Your gift can be your smile, a word of thanks or encouragement, a gesture of politeness, even a friendly nod. And never pass beggars without leaving them something. Peace of mind is worth the spare change.
4. Deflect partisan conversations.
Arguments about politics and religion never have a "right" answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they can't control. When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: "Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt."
5. Assume people have good intentions.
Since you can't read minds, you don't really know the "why" behind the "what" that people do. Imputing evil motives to other people's weird behaviors adds extra misery to life, while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.
6. Eat high quality food slowly.
Sometimes we can't avoid scarfing something quick to keep us up and running. Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Focus on it; taste it; savor it.
7. Let go of your results.
The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do. Focus on the job at hand rather than some weird fantasy of what might happen.
8. Turn off "background" TV.
Many households leave their TVs on as "background noise" while they're doing other things. The entire point of broadcast TV is to make you dissatisfied with your life so that you'll buy more stuff. Why subliminally program yourself to be a mindless consumer?
9. End each day with gratitude.
Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as a making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.

Why are people so mean to single people?

Viewpoint: Why are couples so mean to single people?
In a world that celebrates romance and finding The One, people can be rather rude to single people, writes James Friel.
No-one is supposed to be single.
In the course of my life, I have loved and lost and sometimes won, and always strangers have been kind. But I have, it appears, been set on a life of single blessedness.
And I haven't minded. Or rather, I realise, I haven't minded enough. But now I kind of do. Take dinner parties. There comes a moment, and that question: "Why don't you have a partner?"
It is usually asked by one of a couple, with always a swivel of the eye to his or her other half, so really two people are asking this question.
And I struggle to answer: "I have never found the right person... I am a sad and sorry manchild... I am incapable of love... I am a deviant, and prefer giraffes."
Any answer will fail to satisfy. The questioner expects no happy answer. I am only covering up my bone-deep, life-corroding loneliness. The questioners know this, and the insight they believe it affords comforts them. They are safe.
They look down from the high castle of coupledom, protected from such a fate. But if I were to ask: "Why have you settled for him? Why are you stuck with her? Were you so afraid of being alone?" such questions would be thought rude, intrusive.
Last week a friend of mine went on a date. A foolish thing to do. The man she met had been married three times and had a child by each wife. An example of emotional continence I'm sure you'll agree. And he asked my friend, single and childless, why she had failed at life.
It was a shortish date. Failed at life?
Single people can also feel this way about other single people, and about themselves. You see, no one is supposed to be single. If we are, we must account for our deficiencies.
A recent book claims on its cover that single people might be the most reviled sexual minority today. But it's not just today.
Take the word "spinster". It is withering and unkind. The word, of course, is innocent, but its connotations are unhappy, dismissive and disrespectful.
A few years back, in an age of Bridget Jones-type heroines, the novelist Carol Clewlow wondered about a female reader of her own generation, a woman who had long decided not to twin her destiny with another's. She wrote a novel about this single state. About spinsters.
She called it Spinsta.
She delivered Spinsta to her agent, who was delighted, as were her publishers. A campaign was initiated. Various columnists and celebrities were to be asked to consider and celebrate this word, but then another word came back from the booksellers.
That word was "no". They would not stock and no one would pick up a book with such an ugly word as its title. The novel was retitled Not Married, Not Bothered.
When I speak of this subject with women, the conversation, the anecdotes, are plentiful, wry and amusing.
With other men, gay or straight, the talk is more wistful, hesitant, inconclusive, and even a little pained.
Legal now, the gay man must also account for not having a partner. We even agitate for marriage. To be recognised as couples not just by the law - which is right - but by God, which is redundant. But couples rely on such iron definitions, need them.
Someone might take them to be single, and no one is supposed to be single. And yet I am. Carol Clewlow described me as a male spinster. I admit I was a little bothered until she added "like George Clooney".
Cool, I thought. I could go with that. But Google "male spinster" and there is much bother at the term. Top of the search list is an unreasonably popular piece from London's Evening Standard.
It reads: "A male spinster is an unmarried man over the age of 35, a moniker that implies at best these men have 'issues' and at worst are sociopaths. One fears for these men, just as society has traditionally feared for the single women. They cannot see how lonely they will be."
How kind this fear sounds. No-one is supposed to be single. To be single must mean to be lonely but far lonelier are those who fear being alone.
Namely, the "I" who is incomplete without a "you". The "me" who is without substance or purpose unless rhymed with a "we". Those tyrannised by the need, the obligation, to go about this world in pairs.
In order to argue for the single person, it seems one must criticise the couple; the culture that coerces us into coupledom, the religions, the familial pressures, the pop songs, the movies, the game shows, the gossip, the unavoidable, inescapable pressure to conjoin, to love.
Freud has it that we become ill if we do not love, and songs tell us we must succumb to a love that - bonding us - will devastate us too. I am nothing, nothing, nothing, if I don't have you. How kind is such a love? Isn't it a little punitive?
Laura Kipnis, in Against Love, has a chapter called Domestic Gulag, and the prison rules a couple must follow:
You can't leave the house without saying where you are going
You can't not say what time you will return
You can't leave the bathroom door open - it's offensive
You can't leave the bathroom door closed
You can't have secrets
Nine and half pages later, Kipnis concludes: "The specifics don't matter. What matters is the operative word, can't. Thus is love obtained."
And Michael Cobb reminds us in a book called Single that Plato defined love as our name for the pursuit of the whole, our desire to be made complete. But Plato has Aristophanes remind us that this pursuit - this need to be completed, this quest for coupledom - is a punishment.
Perhaps single people secretly wish to reclaim an original state of being, somehow sense that we do not need to be completed by another, somehow sense that we are able to complete ourselves. The single person might just be too self-possessed.
Perhaps we are too honest to be coupled. Perhaps we cannot tell another person: "I love only you. And I will love you forever."
It's quite difficult to tell someone the more truthful: "I love you, you know, for now."
Sorry. The single person might just be too self-possessed.
Personally, I don't wish to make satiric judgements against the couple because such judgements - patronising, dismissive and even fearful - are what I resent when asked to explain why I persist in being single.
I want to describe myself more positively and not against some grain that abrades both me and anyone else who believes and lives differently.
My favourite character in literature is the difficult, unclubbable Lucy Snowe from Charlotte Bronte's Villette. At the conclusion of her slippery and singular tale, she manages in her lone voice to define herself as wife, widow and spinster all at once and so none of these at all but - simply, complicatedly - her own marvellous, darkly brave and tricksy self.
And I would rescue, too, that martyr, the maligned Miss Havisham. Because I don't believe the single person has a sceptical or reductive notion of love but suspect, rather, that they might be compelled by an even higher, almost unrealisable, conception of it.
In the world through which we move, increasingly, we do not expect our relationships to endure. Increasingly, our relative affluence and advances in new technology allow us to live comfortably alone.
Increasingly, this is what we seem to be doing: we are choosing to live alone. We need stories not about how to become couples. They are legion. We need stories about how to be single, and how to be kept amazed and awake by a joy of our own manufacture.
Although I was born single, I never considered that this would continue to be my fate.
This piece is based on an edited version of James Friel's Four Thought on BBC Radio 4. Listen again via the Radio 4 website or Four Thought podcast.

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How to Date a Millionaire

Meeting a single millionaire may not happen every day but if that's your ultimate goal,you don't have to go it alone.There are a variety of resources available that can help people find wealthy dates.The key,though.is to decide whether you want to work with a middleman such as dating company or an Internet service or devise your own creative strategy and hope for the best.


  •  Search online to find out the dating services cater to wealthy clients in your area.You will likely find the best options in metrpoplitan cities such as New York.
  •  Understand that wealthy clients typically pay to belong to formal matchmaking services,but women(or men who want to meet wealthy women)can often join for free.There is a catch.though.the people looking for a wealthy match are sometimes required to meet certain criteria,including physical attributes and a sincere desire to be in a relationship.They may also be required to be in a cer tain age group because clients often prefer yonger dates.
www.affluentsingle.com has many  millionaire men and women looking for the lover to date and marry.
  •  Take advantage of singles events that are geared to a wealthy clientele.This is a great way to meet many potential partners all in one place. In some cities you cna gingd speed dating activities,dances or dinner parties that may heop you meet the type of people you seek.
  • Check out continuing educationclasses that give women tips on meeting wealthy men.for instance,the Learning Annes in New York City used to host a class designed to help women meet millionaires.Other such classes may be available in other locations.
  • Browse your local bookstore or search online for books thar provide advice for people who want to find wealthy mates.A variety of resources focus on this topic.
  • Visit websites that claim to match up average people with wealthy dates.There are a dozen or more that offer various services.Check out what they charge and what you get in return and try to fingd out what other users think of the results before committing.Some of the traditional dating services are free for women,but some of the matchmaking website can charge a free to belong.
  • Frequent places where wealthy people are likely to be you can meet them naturally,such as at art galleries.yacht clubs,polo matches,museums and other cultural events and activities.
  • Try to look polished and well-dressed yourself so you can give off an appesrance that will attract the type of person you seek